Wednesday 16 October 2013

Mini-Lesson: Cropping

How to crop images in Photoshop

Cropping is used to adjust your picture's framing and size. You can turn a very wide picture into a tall picture or use it to remove unwanted background details.

Please download the Techbyte which explains how to crop in Photoshop: TechByte_Cropping.pdf

You can use the following image of Totoro for practice or you can work with your own image:

Try to create 10 different variations using the same image as your starting point. 

Sunday 6 October 2013

Photoshop Project (2)

Old Fashioned Photo

In this project you need to take a picture and make it look old and damaged. Start by getting a costume and planning your shot, then, once you have the picture you want, edit it in Photoshop. The image needs to be in greyscale and it needs to look old and damaged. 

Aside from that, you can play around with the liquify tool and anything else you want to change the image. You can add in extra props by searching for "transparent" images from Google.

To learn the tricks you will need, you may use either of these photos in class:


Details of the different techniques are explained in a .pdf: TechByte_BlackAndWhite.pdf

You will have an opportunity to take your own photo later this week.

Due: October 30th